Friday, October 19, 2007

It's all about control of Education Funding

Missing the Labor Angle

There's an effort to redistrict seven schools from Kansas City into the Independence school district in Missouri. As you might expect, there are parents, teachers, administrators and politicians on both sides of the issue. There are debates over funding and racial balance. This morning, there are numerous stories about a group organized by the Kansas City Federation of Teachers to halt the redistricting.

"The truth has to come out about this disingenuous scheme that, at its core, has nothing to do with education," said KCFT President Judy Morgan. "It won't be hard for voters to figure out who's for kids and who's just kidding."

If the redistricting plan has nothing to do with education, neither does the union's opposition to it. KCFT is an AFT affiliate. Independence teachers are represented by an NEA affiliate. No union in its right mind will simply hand over members to its rival. |

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