Saturday, September 01, 2007

Mark Towner Spyglass Spots: School Busses on Anti-Voucher Campaign

The teachers Union is running aroung the state on school busses in their anti-voucher campaign. Question? Who paid for these busses in the first place? Who own's them now? How did they obtain them?

Liberal NEA funnels $3 million to fight parental choice in Utah
This week blogs (see here, here, and here) were full of news about the millions of dollars that the liberal national teachers' union will be throwing against parents in Utah. The NEA is one of the most liberal political activist groups in the country. (See here for details of the spending of this "education" association.) As one spokesperson for the anti-Referendum 1 movement said in a recent Salt Lake Tribune article, "Hey, we'll accept money from outside the state. We'll seek money anywhere we can get it."
It's not a surprise that liberal interest groups with a vested interesting in protecting their monopoly would spare no expense to defeat parents. But it is very hypocritical that the Utah branch would take so much money from an out-of-step-with-Utah interest group from Washington, DC.After months of crying foul for "out of state money" influencing politics in Utah, the teachers' union has now become the biggest perpetrator of what they decry. Their money is now coming from the same place as funding for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow PUSH Coalition, Amnesty International and many other liberal interest groups.
Is that really in line with Utah values?

Vote FOR 1 to protect the rights of parents above the interests of establishment unions. _______________________
Not only out of state money, but your tax dollars, too!
Choice opponents' situational ethics don't stop there. The education establishment continues to use public resources, paid for by your tax dollars, in their campaign to take choice away from Utah parents.
This week in the "launch" of their campaign, opponents of parental choice drove a Salt Lake School District bus across three counties. Public schools continue to send political fliers home with students, in violation of the law.
Please help us protect your tax dollars and the integrity of the democratic process.
If you see public schools engaging in political activity, please call us at 801-532-1448 and let us know.


Anonymous said...

Remember this Mark. Union members are really just parents like you. People who are smart enough to organize.

BTW Mark, educating children in the public school system is a Utah value. Not properly funding public education must be a conservative value.

Pretending there was something wrong with the bus used is a lie.

Mark, this isn't the Utah County Republican Party.

Anyone want to ride on a float?

Unknown said...

Dude, you need to keep up on your reading. The D-News reported days ago that the bus was rented from a private company. Sheesh.

Unknown said...

Mark, good grief must you be such a partisan hack? The bus was rented by Serv-A-Bus. There was another bus there but it was for a field trip and had nothing to do with the launch.

PCE is lying to benefit their agenda.

Tom Nedreberg said...

Mark, you and I both know that vouchers are a national battle not a Utah one. It was PCE money that help fund canidates that supported vouchers and it came from out of state because vouchers weren't supported by the majority of Utahans. Out of state people felt that Utah was a 'fertile' ground to plan voucher money because Utahans have a tendency to vote as a block and they thought that block would vote for vouchers. Yes, there's out of state money coming into fight the vouchers but they are betting that the voters in Utah can actually think and make a decision that is both constitutional and would benefit the children in Utah. In otherwords, they feel Utahans will vote against vouchers.

Second I don't think liberal is a bad word. If you go to LDS.ORG and search it, there are many good scriptures and quotes that come up for the word liberal. If you search the word conservative, the results aren't so positive. It was liberals that started our country. The conservatives were called Tories. It was a liberal that freed the slaves. Conservatives were called Rebels. Granting rights to all people, like the constitution does, is a liberal concept. Allowing the law to benefit only a few, like vouchers would do, is not only conservative, it's wrong. Investing in public schools to benefit all children is liberal and it's right.

Anonymous said...

Better the NEA than Walmart and Amway.

Mark E. Towner said...

The Real Voucher Truth Dude said... "Remember this Mark. Union members are really just parents like you. People who are smart enough to organize."

>> Exactly, that's what this is all about, protecting Union Teaching Jobs.

BTW Mark, educating children in the public school system is a Utah value. Not properly funding public education must be a conservative value.

>> Based on what are you saying public education is underfunded? One must factor in the number of children per capita. Lets not forget, the entire state income tax goes to public education. How would you propose we increase per pupil spending?, increase income tax?

"Pretending there was something wrong with the bus used is a lie.

Mark, this isn't the Utah County Republican Party.

Anyone want to ride on a float? "

>>> No just asking a question. The picture showed a district school bus, not a rental

>>> I'm not from Utah County or a Republican

>>> Ride a Float, what does this have to do with School vouchers?

Pretending there was something wrong with the bus used is a lie.

Mark, this isn't the Utah County Republican Party.

Anyone want to ride on a float?

Mark E. Towner said...

Voice of Utah, could you provide a link to this?

Mark E. Towner said...

CraigJ said...
"Mark, good grief must you be such a partisan hack? The bus was rented by Serv-A-Bus. There was another bus there but it was for a field trip and had nothing to do with the launch.

PCE is lying to benefit their agenda."

>>> Partisan hack? What party might that be?

>>> Serv-A-Bus, can you provide a copy of a paid invoice?

>>> PCE is lying, oh please both sides are spinning, spinning, spinning. Makes you dizzy.....

Mark E. Towner said...

Thomas said...
Mark, you and I both know that vouchers are a national battle not a Utah one. It was PCE money that help fund canidates that supported vouchers and it came from out of state because vouchers weren't supported by the majority of Utahans. Out of state people felt that Utah was a 'fertile' ground to plan voucher money because Utahans have a tendency to vote as a block and they thought that block would vote for vouchers. Yes, there's out of state money coming into fight the vouchers but they are betting that the voters in Utah can actually think and make a decision that is both constitutional and would benefit the children in Utah. In otherwords, they feel Utahans will vote against vouchers.

Second I don't think liberal is a bad word. If you go to LDS.ORG and search it, there are many good scriptures and quotes that come up for the word liberal. If you search the word conservative, the results aren't so positive. It was liberals that started our country. The conservatives were called Tories. It was a liberal that freed the slaves. Conservatives were called Rebels. Granting rights to all people, like the constitution does, is a liberal concept. Allowing the law to benefit only a few, like vouchers would do, is not only conservative, it's wrong. Investing in public schools to benefit all children is liberal and it's right.

>>> Very well written and some good points. If only this were actually about education. Let's be honest here, this is about Union job protection and monolopy by same.

Mark E. Towner said...

So this blog does not become a voucher only blogsite, I created a new blog

so we can all take whacks at each other over this issue. From now on lets go there OK?

Anonymous said...

I think riding a float has alot to do with this voucher fight. It shows the arrogance of people like Bramble, Lockhart, and Valentine. Didn't all three of these yahoos support vouchers?

Un-ethical, arrogant,and stupid = Parents for Choice in Education, Bramblehart, and vouchers.

Extreme Wisdom said...

You certainly have your contingent of union trolls here.

Nothing like the Faubus brigade keeping citizens from making choices on how to educate their kids.

Mark, could you send me a write up of the ACTUAL bill? No one seems to have a decent report on it.

Also, tell me what is happeing in the polls, as there doesn't seem to be much out there.

My guess would be the pro-voucher crowd is once again going to fall to campaign of lies put out by "Big Education."