Saturday, September 08, 2007

Jesse Harris is a Liar and a thief

Jesse Harris is a Liar and a thiefAnti 1st amendment jack ass Jesse Harris shown his true colors.

First he calls me a liar saying I did not have anywhere near the 10,000 subscribers I claimed for the Spyglass Newsletter. Now after stealing 5800 edited down email addresses his fist accusation is debunked. Do I receive and apology, no just more attacks and statements of how he plans on revealing the contents of the stolen email list.

Additionally by posting on his own website how he subscribed to my email list and agreeing to the terms, which included not downloading information without permission, chose to suggest other bloggers to duplicate his unethical if not illegal behavior.

His blog sites and his open support of UTOPIA, and distain of Comcast and Qwest takes a “holier than thou” attitude because I continue to “spam” thousands of email addresses with a link to my free Political Newsletter The Spyglass.

The Spyglass is nothing more than a place for me to post articles that interest me and for others to read what is happening in the world of politics. Additionally it provides me an easy archive of thoughts and stories. Additionally I sometimes write commentary or comments to get other bloggers feedback on issues or events.

What part of the First Amendment does Jesse Harris not understand?

I guess this is what you can expect from a Liar and thief.

Mark Towner,Publisher

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