Thursday, February 01, 2007

Interesting Perspective on Voucher Funding

"The educrats are saying the voucher bill would cost more than $50 million if this were fully implemented in year one instead of being phased in over several years. Here's why they're wrong There are approximately 16,000 private school students in Utah. If all of them are "rich" (which is what voucher opponents claim), then each one would receive $500 if the voucher were fully phased in. This would amount to $8 million. If ZERO students switched, the worst case scenario would be $8 million. Any students that switched would save tax dollars. Therefore, the number of switchers multiplied by the difference of the spending average per student minus the average voucher amount would be the savings and this would be deducted from the $8 million."

Mike Jerman, Vice President
Utah Taxpayers Association

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Other than the use of the term "educrats", I appreciate the analysis.