Monday, February 05, 2007

Gary Herbert, the Real Deal says put me in Coach!

Gary Herbert is the real deal. I take you back to 2004 to a debate held at the Old Historic Provo Library. My wife Carrie and I were actively working and supporting Marty Stephens who like all the rest was seeking the GOP nomination and eventual crown as Utah’s next Governor.

As we were setting up for the event, Gary Herbert came up to me and said we need to talk. I was stunned, I said what about. He said Database and technology, knowing this was a passion of mine. I had met Gary a couple of times at State Central Committee meetings, and to me he was just another Utah County SCC member. He was usually very quiet and very low key.

As the debate proceeded several things came into my mind. #1 was Olene Walker was not going to get the nomination. She stumbled on her words, and seemed ill prepared for the event. #2 Marty and Fred commanded the group. They both sat upright and focused and when asked a specific question, not only had a specific answer, but backed it up with facts. #3 Jon Huntsmen didn’t belong on the same stage with these guys. #4 where did Gary Herbert come from, and that this guy like Marty commanded the facts, and could deliver a speech. I said to myself right then and there, Gary Herbert would make one heck of a Lieutenant Governor, and why was Marty not talking to him about joining his campaign. After the event, I talked with several of his campaign staff who by the way occupies many of the positions in his office now what kind of person Gary really was. The answer was profound. Gary is Gary plain and simple. Peel back any number of layers and it’s still the same guy.

Well somebody else must have figured this out as well on the Huntsman team, because shortly after that event, then candidate Jon Huntsman announced that Gary would be joining his campaign. Gary possessed all the things Huntsman did not have at the time. These included a total grasp of local politics and how government actually works, and was well connected to the political insiders of Utah County and around the state. I feel 100% certain that had Jon Huntsman not convinced Gary to join his campaign, Jon would not be our current governor.

I must disclose I really like Gary Herbert both as our Lieutenant Governor, and on a personal basis. So with that disclaimer, let me explore the political crystal ball for the next several years. When Governor Huntsman announced his support of John McCain, this signaled to my feeble brain the following scenario. If John McCain becomes the next President, Jon Huntsman will likely be called to his cabinet either as the Secretary of State, or Ambassador to China. In that event, Gary Herbert would then take the reigns of Governor in 2008 after he and Jon win re-election. Under a Romney administration Jon Huntsman would have no role for several different reasons. Should McCain not win the Presidency in 2008, you can take it to the bank that Jon Huntsman will be seeking the Republican nomination for US Senate in 2010. For Bob Bennett this would be a campaign he doesn’t need nor could he afford and I see his retirement assured. Again Gary Herbert would assume the remaining two years, and then run again himself in 2012.

I can honestly say that the state of Utah has the most qualified Lt. Governor in the United States, and it will be a pleasure to call him Governor when the time comes.

Mark E. Towner,
The Spyglass
Article from the Tribune about Gary


Anonymous said...

As someone who has worked with Gary Herbert I must say I totally agree. Gary Herbert is an excellent Lt Governor and I look forward to when we can call him Governor instead.

Anonymous said...

Oh my heck, those PJ's?

They look just like my husband's, oh sorry honey.

Say goodnight Gary