Sunday, December 03, 2006

Just Say NO Elected Officials!

As a member of the Salt Lake County Republican Party central committee, I attended Saturday’s quarterly meeting. The fireworks started early by an embarrassing motion submitted by Utah GOP National Committeewoman Nancy Lord calling for the resignations of Chair James Evans and Vice Chair Dana Dickson. With a quorum of over 250 members present, we overwhelmingly rejected even placing this motion on the agenda.

The real news of the meeting was a resolution submitted to the central committee that requests that GOP elected officials reject plans in Washington DC to provide DC a voting seat in congress, even if Utah were to receive an additional 4th seat in the bargain.

The following is the “Resolved” text of the resolution. I think tomorrow’s special session may end very quickly in the Senate and House when Senator Stephenson, and Representative Hughes announce from the floor the sentiments of the elected GOP central committee representatives, from the largest County in the state.

Resolved, the Salt Lake County Republican Party does not support current efforts to immediately secure a Fourth Congressional Seat for the State of Utah;

Resolved, That the Salt Lake County Republican Party admonishes Governor Jon M. Huntsman, Jr. and the state legislature to be prudent and patient by waiting until after the 2010 census to change congressional boundaries;

Resolved, That the Salt Lake County Republican Party admonishes Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator Robert Bennett, Congressman Chris Cannon and Congressman Rob Bishop to be prudent and patient by waiting until after the 2010 census to secure a Fourth and possible Fifth seat for Utah; and,

Resolved, that a copy of this resolution be mailed to each member of our Republican state and federal delegation.

Could be interesting in the morning….

Mark Towner,
The Spyglass

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