Thursday, November 16, 2006

What Now America?

CongressDaily examines the impact that a Democratic majority would have on key committees and legislation for these issues:
-->The Democratic Party took advantage of ailing polling figures and Iraq war concerns to regain control of Congress. With the election now behind them, what will Democrats do with their majority? In this special report, CongressDaily examines the impact the shift will have on Capitol Hill committees and key legislation on the budget, trade, energy policy and more:
The Budget: A return to balanced budgets within the next decade?
Defense: A battle with Rumsfeld's legacy, but without cuts in funding?
Energy: A push for renewable energy and energy efficiency plans?
Environment & Transportation: Turning up the heat on global warming?
Finance: A different approach in leadership styles?
Health: An expansion of insured coverage, albeit slowly?
Homeland Security: A boost for rail and transit security funds?
The Judiciary: An end to the ongoing push for tort reform?
Labor & Education: A focus on the minimum wage and worker safety?
Congressional Reform: An overhaul of ethics and lobbying policies?
Taxes: Seeking out common ground for overhauling the tax code?
Telecommunications: Closer scrutiny for the FCC?
Trade: A fight over presidential trade negotiating authority?

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