Saturday, November 24, 2007

Share It Fairly But Don't Take a Slice of My Pie.

Proposition 92, which will be on the California ballot in February 2008, would guarantee state funding for community colleges. On one side is the California Federation of Teachers, a large part of whose membership includes community college faculty. On the other is the California Teachers Association, the K-12 juggernaut, who worry that elementary and secondary school funding could be adversely affected by the initiative.

According to the Sacramento Bee, CTA has already contributed $290,000 to defeat the initiative. Additionally, the California Faculty Association, which represents employees of the state university system, opposes Prop 92. But CTA is far from united on the issue.

The CTA-affiliated Community College Association broke ranks to support the measure, as did the independent California School Employees Association. But the biggest blow to CTA came when its largest local affiliate – United Teachers Los Angeles – voted "overwhelmingly" to endorse Prop 92.

There's no one to root for here, but I am very curious to see what campaign tactics will be unleashed with teachers' unions on both sides. Will they pull punches? Or will they be especially brutal, knowing so well the capabilities of the other side? Get your popcorn ready.

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