Where is the Senate Democrats Blog Site?
I find it interesting that there is a Senate Majority Site by the Republicans, and we also have a House Majority site by the Republicans, and even a House Minority site by the Democrats, but where are the Utah Senate Democrats? I cant' find any? Go to Blogger and set one up OK!
My State Senator here in Salt Lake City is Scott McCoy, and I really want to know what legislation he and other's in the minority are going to push. I live in the Liberty Park area and this is a black hole for representation in the Legislature. So lets get going you guys, we all want a forum to beat you up and tell you how bad you all are doing, and tell you how wrong you all are on every issue..... And with your few numbers in the Senate, it might actually give you something to do in those committee meetings, since nobody listens to you there anyway. You could live blog and everything, while Howard introduces another pro business tax bill, or they discuss intelligent design. This should help you all stay awake and appear interested.
Just kidding.... Jab Jab
Mark Towner,
The Spyglass