Monday, April 30, 2007

School voucher opponents gather enough signatures for repeal vote

School voucher opponents gather enough signatures for repeal vote
By Tiffany EricksonDeseret Morning News
Anti-voucher organizers challenging the new voucher law set a record in qualifying a referendum petition that would ask voters to repeal the state's new voucher law. Lt. Gov. Gary Herbert announced today that the 124,218 verified signatures is not only a record number on a referendum petition but it's the first time in 33 years a referendum petition has been successful — a land use bill was overturned in 1974. The next steps in the process is for the state's Office of Legislative Research and General Counsel research to enroll a title within 15 days and prepare what language will go on the ballot. The governor has said he will set the election day for Feb. 5, 2008, the day of the presidential primary election. Kim Burningham, spokesman for Utahns for Public Schools and president of the State Board of Education said he was delighted and surprised at the announcement since they had more verifiable signature than expected, calling it a significant victory for the anti-voucher group.
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