Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Who is the real Accountability Blogsite?

This is just too funny?


Two Videos the Unions Don't Want You to See

Two Videos the Unions Don't Want You to See
1) The Tennessee Education Association doesn't want to be held to a federal "one-size-fits-all" flat buns standard.2) The United Food and Commercial Workers union thinks it can bully a 16-year-old girl.
Posted by Mike Antonucci on Wednesday, September 05, 2007 at 07:07

1st Amendment killer Jesse Harris Responds

C’mon Mark, I’m not buying it.
Jesse said "After getting caught in his latest spam-fest, Mark Towner is now trying to claim he setup some kind of intentional "trap" to "catch me". (Catch me doing what, exactly, I have yet to figure out.) I'm guessing that in his warped state of mind he somehow thought that if he dropped his entire subscriber list in my lap (and subsequently exposed it to over 5800 other people) that he'd somehow prove his subscriber numbers. All he's proven is that 1) he has a list of 5800 e-mail addresses (a few of which complained about the lastest spamming) and 2) the list doesn't account for the numbers he claimed back in June. In short, he proved nothing except that he still forces people onto his list without permission and is willing to violate the ToS for whatever provider he happens to be on.
Here's where the specious claims continue. He claims that if I ignored the subscription e-mail he sent that I wouldn't have received anything. Last I checked, a "you're subscribed" means just that. He then continues to go further off the deep end by claiming that this list is somehow opt-in. Given that I've already seen at least 3 other complaints about being forced onto the list, I'm skeptical there as well. In fact, the people receiving this stuff at work probably keep on dropping it into the Spam bin. The kicker is that he thinks he can intimidate me (or anyone else logging in with the information he provided) by saying he has our IP addresses. Oh no, some make-believe pirate has my IP address. Whatever will I do?
The real point is that Bluehost will cancel his account for sending spam and he'll have to go shopping for yet another provider. Don't you get it, Mark? As long as you continue to send unsolicited bulk messages and violate the ToS, we'll always have a way to shut you down. The only way to end this is to use opt-in lists only. It's really not that hard and it's certainly the ethical way to go. If you don't clean up your behavior soon, there's going to be nothing but negative about you when someone does a Google search."

Mark Towner;s Spyglass Spots : RealClearPolitics - Politics and Election

RealClearPolitics - Politics and Election

Early Primary Pressure Mounts
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 11:43 AM CDT
USA Today

Winfrey Lends Her Brand and Her Empire to Obama
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 11:42 AM CDT
Washington Post

Thompson Soft on Illegals in Senate Votes
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 11:41 AM CDT
Washington Times

In Turmoil of '68, Clinton Found a New Voice
Posted: 05 Sep 2007 11:41 AM CDT
New York Times

The Rat Takes the Bait

Holy Crap! Mark Towner Exposes His Entire Subscriber List

I set the trap, and the rat took the bait.

As many of you Spyglass subscribers know, I had a run in with a local Blogger whose blogsite is called

Mr. Harris called me a liar some time back about not having a substantial email list of subscribers who were receiving my free newsletter The Political Spyglass.

Mr. Harris has also taken the position that a person should not send an unsolicited email to anyone, and in fact is trying to get some legislator to run his legislation to fine people for sending out information, even political information which is all the Political Spyglass is.

Well I waited a while for things to settle down, and then baited my trap for Mr. Harris. I politely sent him and nearly 6,000 other persons who have received political newsletters, and other information an offer to subscribe to the Spyglass.

Mr. Harris could have just deleted the email but instead responded by agreeing to the subscription and opted in and then once a member downloaded all 6,000 email addresses. He then posts he will now disclose who these email addresses belong to.

Of the 6,000 email addresses Mr. Harris now has on his computer, this is his statement “Obviously, most major media outlets (including the generic inboxes) are on the list. A fair number of staff from the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret Morning News and Herald Extra are on it. So are a bunch of state, city and school district employees. It also, however, includes a lot of employees from Zion's Bank, Deseret First Credit Union, American First Credit Union and a few other financial institutions. The best part? He also spams employees of the LDS Church including several folks at the MTC in Provo.”

What Mr. Harris fails to comment on is why these people who work for these different agencies, banks, school districts, etc are using employer owned equipment or taxpayer paid for equipment or services to receive political information. I would love for these people to explain how they can justify using their company or school district emails for obvious private reading.

Here is where the sting gets really good. I have Mr. Harris admitting his actions; I have a time stamped IP address of the download of not only Mr. Harris but all you other jokers who downloaded the file as well.

I created a special site with full tracking software. I know who you all are now, I know your IP address, and if any of these email addresses are released, I will publicly disclose all the people who downloaded the list.

Mr. Harris, your own words will bite you in the ass
“Then there's his insane claim of having over 10,000 subscribers. Uh oh… a quick search on the FeedBlitz website shows he has a scant 3,947 subscribers, nowhere near the puffed up numbers he claims. (I'd deep link the search, but I don't see a way to do that. Just do a search for "spyglass" and you'll see him, front and center.) I'm not the only one calling him on this BS either; Part of the Plan took him to task on it as well.”

Do you really think I’m that stupid Mr. Harris, now who has their head up their own ass now? So if you are contacted by your employer, supervisor, etc about using computer resources on the clock, you can thank Mr. Harris.

Mark E. Towner
Publisher, The Spyglass