Friday, February 16, 2007

$220 Million Tax Cut, But Who and Where

Utahns will get a $220 million tax cut — probably coming this year. That idea sounds easy enough. But Utah GOP lawmakers' politically painful road to a total amount of tax relief was not easy, coming with some bruised egos and ruffled feathers. Now comes the even tougher decisions on exactly how the state's two personal income tax systems will be changed and what food sales tax cuts must come to get the $220 million.,1249,660196294,00.html,1249,660195989,00.html

The Spyglass

More on Mitt from UPD

At The Politico, Terry Michael says: "[E]very bone in my libertarian Democrat body tells me the presidency is Mitt Romney's to lose. The images and sounds of the 'savior' of the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics bring to mind former White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers' observation about Bill Clinton: He seduces women, he seduces men, he seduces pets. Mitt Romney is Bill Clinton with his pants up. And he'll very likely be cast in 2008 ('nominated,' if you prefer the political science verb) against Clinton's wife, who has all the seductive qualities of John Kerry in a pants suit. ... [G]o to Mitt TV and see what I mean. I scared myself. I believe the Iraq war is a nearly criminal enterprise. I'm a social-cultural leftie who wants the government out of my bedroom and away from my body. But I was nearly mesmerized by a guy whose religion I consider akin to a cult, whose Iraq war support angers me and whose posturing against gays I find obnoxious. So, I find it kind of appalling that I find him appealing. Political seduction is a powerful drug" (see also UNCoRRELATED and Political Spyglass).

Rep. Bishop's floor speech on troop resolution

Rob speaks for Utah

The Spyglass