Sunday, November 04, 2007

Obama Criticizes Clinton's Drive to Win

Sunday, November 4, 2007; Page A05 Sen. Barack Obama leveled a fresh round of criticism at Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton yesterday, accusing his rival for the Democratic nomination of following a campaign plan that prizes calculation over candor and that is aimed more at winning the election than uniting the country. Obama used a speech in Spartanburg, S.C., to sharpen his differences with the Democratic front-runner and to frame the choices before voters a year ahead of the 2008 election. Calling the senator from New York "a colleague and a friend," Obama nonetheless cast Clinton as representative of a style of politics that has been better for the politicians than the country.

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An Eye on the Prize Is Not on the Issues of Ordinary Americans, He Asserts By Dan Balz Washington Post Staff Writer

1 comment:

Mark E. Towner said...

The Democratic Vice Presidential Candidate