Thursday, May 17, 2007

A Plea to Foot-Dragging Candidates

A Plea to Foot-Dragging Candidates
Dick Morris & Eileen McGannThursday, May 17, 2007

Two shadows loomed over last night's Republican debate in South Carolina — the missing ex-Sen. Fred Thompson and former Speaker Newt Gingrich.
Both Thompson and Gingrich are reviewing their astrological charts to determine if the time is right for their presidential candidacies. These rites of introspection make it much harder for the conservative wing of the Republican Party to settle on a candidate.
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani's pro-choice position and his backing for gun control and gay civil unions disqualify him from support by much of the Christian right.
Sen. John McCain, good on social issues by righty lights, has antagonized them by opposing the Bush tax cuts, sponsoring the McCain-Feingold campaign-finance law, seeking to limit the ability of our forces to interrogate terror suspects and working with Sen. Ted Kennedy to allow illegal immigrants to become citizens.
Conservatives like ex-Govs. Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson and Jim Gilmore, Sen. Sam Brownback and Reps. Duncan Hunter and Tom Tancredo can't get their campaigns untracked because everyone is waiting for Newt and Fred to make up their minds.
Their indecision paralyzes their ideological compatriots — a great disservice to the men and women they'd look to as possible supporters should they decide to run. The conservatives are entitled to an answer — are you running or not?
Thompson, cashing in on his star power from playing District Attorney Arthur Branch on "Law and Order," makes conservative mouths water. Some see him as a reincarnation of actor-turned-politician Ronald Reagan. But Thompson's record in the Senate, and his genial manner, suggest a take-it-easy mentality that may be inadequate for the rigors of a campaign against the Clinton machine.

Full Article


Unknown said...

You have it exactly backwards. The candidates who have stated campaign season up earlier than ever before are the problem. Thompson should be commended for not joining the rest of these jokers while they beat each other up in these early debates.

Newt doesn't have a snowballs chance in St. George of becoming president so I can't really give him the same kudos.

Anonymous said...

Silly Captain,

"The message of Thompson’s video was absolutely clear: Michael Moore, you aren’t worth my time. By treating Moore as insignificant, Thompson put himself in the position of superiority"

Using words like insignificant and superiority shows the attitude of the right-wing extremists that have taken over your party.

Silly Captain.