Thursday, May 10, 2007

Huntsman orders election Nov. 6 on school vouchers

Huntsman orders election Nov. 6 on school vouchers

By Tiffany EricksonDeseret Morning News
Voters will have their say on private school vouchers in November. Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. issued an executive order Wednesday calling for a statewide special election on the school voucher referendum for Nov. 6, saying it will allow voters to voice their opinions "as soon as logistically possible." "This will allow for the greatest participation, where voters won't be disenfranchised, and moves to settle the issue sooner rather than later, and that is in everyone's best interest across the board," said Lindsay Zizumbo, spokeswoman for Utahns for Public Schools. But while voucher opponents applaud the move, supporters say it doesn't matter when the vote is because there is already a voucher law on the books. "Whether it is in November or February, it's inconsequential — we still want to see HB174 implemented now," said Leah Barker, spokeswoman for Parents for Choice in Education and Children First Utah.

Captain Mark

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