Monday, March 05, 2007

Annie & George W

Annie is a close friend to my youngest daughter (also a pilot) who is in Washington DC. These are pictures she took and some narative.

"Look: it's President Bush! It took so long to get through security for this. He spoke for about 45 minutes. We were at an event for the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (I am not exactly sure what this organization is, sounds like a good lobby to me though), so he was mostly speaking about Latin and South America and the people there. It occurred to me he might be pissing them off because he kept just giving examples of what America had done well there. Look at how we impacted this Bolivian farmer, or this 10-year-old in Peru or Guatemala's life. I felt like he didn't say what was going to happen, except that he is visiting all those countries later this week.

It was very cool though, I was probably the farthest person away and I still felt like I had a great seat. It was at the Ronald Reagan Auditorium in someplace they call the Federal Triangle. Definitely not tons of people or anything though.

He stumbled several times, but didn't say anything too ridiculous. Aside from all the Tex-Mex he used. At the begining when everyone was talking he told us all the Sientanse and chuckled to himself. Then, once when he said George Washington's name he paused and said "Jorge Doble-U" and he was pretty happy with himself for that one.

Love, Annie"

Mark E Towner, The Spyglass

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