Friday, January 19, 2007

The Stars are in alignment for Vouchers in 2007

This looks like the year vouchers may actually pass the legislature. We have lots of money in the bank, and the Gov wants to up the ante 18% for public education. I see a back room deal being cut here that will finally get vouchers into law. If Vic Arnold (old Queen Ann Grizzlie foe when we both lived in Seattle) and the UEA don't blow things, they may get their cake and eat it too. But if they attack any possibility of a voucher, watch that 18% get cut in half, right off the bat and go down from there. The Gov wants full time kindergarden, and increased pay for teachers. But the pay structure is in the hands of the local school districts, so this is where the pressure needs to be applied. My suggestion for both of these groups is work it out, you both win.

A new poll will be released this weekend that has some interesting numbers. Both sides in this yearly battle need to read the tea leaves. I predict that by the closing gavel of this session, Utah will follow many other states and Washington DC and make vouchers available to Utah's kids.

It appears Jennifer Toomer-Cook is getting the same vibes as I am.

The Spyglass

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