Monday, January 22, 2007

Do Vouchers belong in Utah?

The Salt Lake Tribune chimes in:

Mark Towner,
THe Spyglass


Anonymous said...


By posting several times a day (mainly links to other people's work, not your own), you're getting about one-third of the listings on the "Right-leaning" blogs on Utah bloghive. As a result, people don't get to see much from other right-leaning blogs since they get pushed off the screen.

If you are going to submit posts that mainly link to articles or op-eds, I suggest that you combine these in one post. Otherwise, the "right-leaning" blogs section becomes "all Mark Towner, all the time".

Mark E. Towner said...


I have nothing to do with Utah Bloghive, how it works, or who's blog information it collects.

I post what is important to me period, just like Matt Drudge. How much actual commentary is on his site actually written by him?

Take a hard look at the SL Newspaper. How many stories are actually from AP, or other newspapers.

Thanks, but I will continue to post as many times a day I find interesting articles, or stories.

The Spyglass

Tyler Farrer said...

Anonymous makes an interesting point. I agree with them that it is useful to post original content, but you shouldn't refrain from posting just because you're linking elsewhere. I represent one of three blogs in the Special Interests/Region section of Utah Bloghive, and I've posted a lot lately.

If the other blogs want more visibility, they'll just have to be prolific in their posts as well.