Friday, October 27, 2006

Mr. Rogers? or just a Yocom Clone?

Lohra Miller

Sim Gill / David Yocom
Can Salt Lake County afford another 4 years of Yocom? The real problem I see in this race is what changes if Sim Gill is elected. All we would get is another 4 years of fighting between the Salt Lake County Counsel and the County District Attorney. The only solution to this equation is Lohra Miller. She would bring a fresh perspective to the table, and maybe we could actually get some things done in Salt Lake County.


MJG said...

Well Good to know someone else agrees with me.

Anonymous said...

Please. Lohra Miller does not have the qualifications to be District Attorney. She has never prosecuted a felony, and she has never run a large office. As for Sim Gill being the same as David Yocom, anyone who takes a minute to look into the issue can see that Sim has started innovative programs like Mental Health Court and Misdemeanor Drug Court as Chief City Prosecutor for Salt Lake. While Mr. Yocom has done a fine job, Sim has different ideas about the DA's office. Because the incumbent is leaving, there will be change either way. I'd rather have someone who has prosecuted felonies and run a large office. This position is too important, and the community of our safety is too important, to trust someone with questionable qualifications.